Paid Search Marketing.

Unlocking the Potential of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Embarking on the journey of paid search marketing promises swift results and high-quality website traffic. Whether you refer to it as Paid Search, PPC, Sponsored Ads, or Pay-Per-Click, our pride lies in crafting Google Ads campaigns that efficiently channel exceptional traffic to your website, all while keeping costs to a minimum. Our bespoke campaign structure is designed to ensure that you pay significantly less than the market average for each click to your website.

PPC Experts


Elevated Google Ads Expertise

We bring unparalleled proficiency to your Google Ads campaigns. Our PPC specialists boast nearly a decade of experience, fortified by the essential Google qualifications that set us apart.

We have an extensive track record of running successful PPC campaigns across diverse industries. If you’re new to Google Ads, we’ll collaborate with you to define key performance metrics and establish efficient campaigns that remain laser-focused on realizing your business objectives.

Two professionals collaboratively working on a computer, discussing strategies for effective paid search marketing campaigns.

Elevated Google Ads Expertise

We bring unparalleled proficiency to your Google Ads campaigns. Our PPC specialists boast nearly a decade of experience, fortified by the essential Google qualifications that set us apart.

We have an extensive track record of running successful PPC campaigns across diverse industries. If you’re new to Google Ads, we’ll collaborate with you to define key performance metrics and establish efficient campaigns that remain laser-focused on realizing your business objectives.

A modern office setting with individuals working on computers. A woman in the foreground is checking her phone, and a man in the background is smiling while looking at a computer screen.

A Distinctive Approach to PPC

Our approach to PPC is distinguished by a commitment to campaign precision. We understand that the effectiveness of Google Ads hinges on the initial campaign structure. If the setup isn’t granular enough, you could be overpaying for traffic that falls short of your expectations. Over the years, we’ve honed a unique campaign structure that prioritizes relevance and quality score, the very factors Google utilizes to determine your cost per click. If you’re already running Google Ads, we can conduct a thorough audit to ensure your campaigns are primed for success before making any further adjustments.

Ongoing Campaign Management

Having your Pay-Per-Click campaigns up and running is just the beginning. Sustaining their effectiveness over time requires diligent management. Without proper oversight, your Google Ads efforts can wane, failing to deliver the results you desire. Expert PPC management is essential to keep your keywords current and your budget allocation optimized. We offer a range of monthly packages designed to accommodate various budgets, ensuring your campaigns remain dynamic and results-driven.

Three enthusiastic professionals from Invisberry collaborating around a computer, brainstorming strategies for effective Paid Search Marketing campaigns.

Ongoing Campaign Management

Having your Pay-Per-Click campaigns up and running is just the beginning. Sustaining their effectiveness over time requires diligent management. Without proper oversight, your Google Ads efforts can wane, failing to deliver the results you desire. Expert PPC management is essential to keep your keywords current and your budget allocation optimized. We offer a range of monthly packages designed to accommodate various budgets, ensuring your campaigns remain dynamic and results-driven.


Mastering the Art of PPC Excellence

Thorough Account Assessments

For businesses already navigating the realm of Google Ads, we offer comprehensive account audits. Our goal is to unearth areas of opportunity and improvement, refining your campaigns for optimal performance.

Strategic Research & Planning

Success in PPC hinges on diligent research and planning. We delve deep into keyword research and deliver cost-per-click estimates tailored to your industry. This collaborative effort helps determine your budget and projected return-on-investment. We're upfront about the suitability of PPC for your specific circumstances; if we believe it won't yield a solid return within your proposed budget, we'll provide honest guidance.

Elevating Quality Scores

The quality score of your keywords is a linchpin for campaign success. Our tried-and-tested campaign structure is designed to maximize your quality score, ensuring your ads resonate with the right audience while keeping your costs to a minimum.

Campaign Optimization

For those seeking ongoing excellence, our monthly campaign management ensures your paid search campaigns remain in peak condition. As part of our standard service, we provide easy-to-read monthly performance reports, granting you a transparent view of your campaigns.

Customized PPC Strategies

PPC can be complex, and the right strategy is paramount to your success. Whether it's keyword selection, match types, or budget allocation, we're here to offer guidance and support. Our expertise caters to businesses of all sizes, helping shape effective paid search marketing strategies.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

In the fast-evolving landscape of Google technology and products, it's easy to get lost. We simplify the complexity, deciphering jargon and implementing the right technologies that align with your PPC campaigns and business objectives. Our approach is rooted in data-driven insights, ensuring you harness the right tools to elevate your paid search efforts.


Our team will help you choose the best rate, depending on your tasks.


  • Starting from 3-5 campaigns
  • Up to 50 ad groups
  • Up to 150-200 keywords
  • Budget analysis
  • Tracking conversions
  • Analytics tracking
  • Weekly reports
  • Starting from 8-10 campaigns
  • Up to 70 ad groups
  • Up to 450-500 keywords
  • Budget analysis
  • Tracking conversions
  • Analytics tracking
  • Weekly reports
  • Starting from 15-20 campaigns
  • Up to 150 ad groups
  • Up to 800-1000 keywords
  • Budget analysis
  • Tracking conversions
  • Analytics tracking
  • Weekly reports